Idées AgExpert Champs

Basic cattle management component

I have had many customers over the years ask for the ability to track livestock details in AgExpert Field, and after speaking with several customers lately there might still be a gap in the marketplace, and a need for this basic capability.

There is value in finding a livestock software partner to integrate with using the MyFarmConnect feature, to do things like barcode tagging and managing animal health/records, but even having a couple basic functions in AgExpert Field to start would help immensely, and possibly act as a springboard for a partnership like that in the future...

For instance:

-Add livestock section on the left. Here they would have a summary of all their heards at the top of the screen. Then there could be an adjust inventory button to track inventory and then adjust herds would pop up. This screen would act similar to the adjust inventory screen in accounting, but notable track animal type/account, breed, birth, deaths, sales and transfers in/out (possibly even linking to agristability one day), with an increase inventory, decrease inventory and set inventory to X options.

-Ability to track which fields are for grazing

-Ability to enter contracts for livestock.

-Ability for attachments.

-Ability to track labour time and costs, and a spot for notes.

-Ability to report everything done here in a summary or detailed page.

  • Thomas Chevalier
  • Apr 11 2024
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    23 Sep 15:17

    This would be HUGE. Would make AgExpert an all-in-one software.