Currently you can only choose other - but you should be able to input the type of "other" it is - eg. drop down box to input - MarketPro, Production, whatever it is that isn't in the fixed list. These should also be able to be sorted in your contracts summary so you know at a glance what you have contracted
Hi. Contract options to add to list:
Production, Put - it would also be nice if you could see the type of contract at a glance, so you know if you have a basis to price, etc
Hi, can you list the contract options you would like to see added to the list? Thanks
Hi, thanks for the clarification! Yes right now you cannot input in a custom name. You could however add whatever type you would like in the notes section. If this doesn't satisfy we can explore other options.
you still aren’t able to say what “other” is. There are many options for contracts now. Being able to identify what “other” is at a glance would be very helpful
this actually has not been implemented. Yes you have “other” as a choice but you aren’t able to enter what “other” is. That would be very helpful.
Hi, we have 6 different options in the contract types. Thanks!