Idées AgExpert Champs

Ability to add a new AgExpert Field business through AgExpert Field

Presently to add a new AgExpert Field business you have to be a premium user, then switch to Accounting, then add a new business, go through the setup wizard, toggle the turn on AgExpert option under business information and then go back to switch to Field to view the business. I showed a potential customer this recently and she was so frustrated that she almost gave up on our products altogether, she felt like for the price it was a very cumbersome process and additionally her internet was slow so that going back and forth was causing her to waste valuable time. It was unfortunately a really bad user experience. Plus, the AgExpert Field screen was not refreshing properly causing even further doubt in the web-app, which is supposed to be "solid and simple". She is a large potato producer that will be heavily relying on our Canada GAP features and is connected to the industry on all levels.

While the rational for this decision may have been based on avoiding security risks and subscription ID complications it is imperative that we fix this issue and add a "add a new business" option under AgExpert Field as it IS a current deterrent for new, large multi-farm customers. This should absolutely be prioritized over developing new features.

  • Thomas Chevalier
  • Jan 22 2021
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